Hosting Bemuse songs on Pinata
Pinata is a media storage service for NFTs based on IPFS, but you can use it to host Bemuse songs as well.
  • Its free plan gives you 1 GB of storage.
  • Its paid plan costs $0.15/GB/mo.
This guide assumes that you have prepared your song for online play in Bemuse. Your song folder should contain a bemuse-song.json file at this point.


  • Free for up to 1 GB of storage, which is enough for about 20 songs.
  • Supports HTTPS and CORS is enabled by default.
  • No data transfer limit.
  • The data will be pinned on the IPFS network, which means that people can easily download the song and re-seed it, leading to faster download.


  • Once uploaded you cannot change its content. You have to re-upload, which means the URL will be different.
  • If the content on IPFS is not popular (only available on a single node), it can be very slow and take quite a long time to load. Without peers, peer-to-peer is useless.

Upload the song

In Pinata Pinmanager, in Files tab, click Upload > Folder.
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After selecting a folder, enter the folder name and click Upload.
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Getting the Bemuse song URL

Once uploaded, click on the uploaded folder. It will take you to the content gateway.
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You will arrive at an URL like this and see an IPFS folder listing. Click on bemuse-song.json.
You will see the song metadata.
In the URL bar, change to and press Enter. You will end up in a URL that looks like this: